DEMONS' SCORE THD app for Android is very popular and thousands of gamers around the world would be glad to get it without any payments. And we can help you! To download DEMONS' SCORE THD for free, we recommend you to select your phone model, and then our system will choose the most suitable apk files. Downloading is very simple: select the desired file and click "download free DEMONS' SCORE THD apk", then select one of the ways you want to get the file. Just a few easy steps and you are enjoying full Android DEMONS' SCORE THD for tablet or phone!
Screenshots of the DEMONS' SCORE THD for Android tablet, phone.

Screenshots of the DEMONS' SCORE THD for Android tablet, phone.

Screenshots of the DEMONS' SCORE THD for Android tablet, phone.

Screenshots of the DEMONS' SCORE THD for Android tablet, phone.

DEMONS' SCORE THD – a demonic story. The main character Serenity dissipates her life in college of the State of Massachusetts. Her father, Doctor Alastair, suddenly disappears and the girl goes on his searches. First of all she goes to her father’s hospital, where he spent days and nights with work. However the hospital disappeared, and there’re only ruins on this place. Walking through a heathland and destruction, Serenity comes across a teddy bear, who claims that once he was a person. But only she asks a bear about her father, as demons come from the air. You should battle to each of these creatures and overcome all of them. Having killed the boss, you can take away his ability. Each ability changes a dress of the heroine, and also influences special attacks.
The most suitable versions of the game for
Android 3.2 and higher [8.5 MB][apk]
Android 3.2 and higher [874.9 MB][zip][data]
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